About us

we think of ourselves as storytellers more than designers.

our core values

Good design is not just design. It is a thoughtfully detailed solution to a design problem that is crafted with honesty, skill and respect.

  • Good design is not mere ornamentation on walls. It is about creating an intelligent solution that addresses the user’s need in the most aesthetic way possible, evoking emotions. This makes a space permanent because when we can evoke people’s emotions, it lingers in their memories forever.

  • All design elements, from a door knob to a floor rug, are like characters in a play coming together to tell a story. So, every detail counts.

  • We truly respect what we do and how we do it. We respect our client’s money, the natural resources we use, the vendors we work with and the contractors we employ.

  • Interior design is not only about the final outcome but also the experience our clients have through the process. We believe in patiently educating the client through the process and nurturing their thoughts to help bring their vision to fruition.





Having lived in Dubai for 4 years and New York for 4 years, there has always been a sense of dichotomy to the way I approach things. We can build the most exuberant spaces but still address all functional needs. Life is almost never black or white. There is always a middle ground, a certain comforting ambiguity. This philosophy also applies to design.

Most design movements in the past have always been about revival or rejection of another style. Neo classical was revival of classical whereas modernism was rejection of ornamentation. But today, we are at liberty to find ourselves as designers and I strongly believe in balance over conformity. I think that a design solution should not only solve the functional need of the space but can also do so in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Each project and client come with a new set of needs and problems. When these variables are studied and new ways of designing solutions are explored, without conforming to conventionality, we truly create something unique, unexpected and spectacular.

What we offer

  • Residential | Commercial | Hospitality

  • Retail | Set design | Museums